Principle Investigator


 Yufang Jin 

Professor of Remote Sensing and Ecosystem Change

Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources
Affiliated Graduate Groups: Geography, Hydrology, Ecology

Research interests: Remote sensing, Drivers and consequences of wildland fires, Crop monitoring and precision agriculture, Ecohydrology, Vegetation-climate-fire-human interaction, Machine learning, UAV applications, Geospatial technology

 133 Veihmeyer Hall        Email: 

Academic Appointments

    University of California, Davis   |  Department of Land, Air. and Water Resources
    Professor     2021 - present;       Associate Professor (2018 - 2021); Assistant Professor (2014 - 2018)

    University of California, Irvine  | Department of Earth System Science
    Assistant and Associate Researcher    2005 - 2014

    University of Maryland, College Park  | Department of Geographical Sciences
    Assistant Research Scientist   2003 - 2005


    Ph.D.  Geography, Boston University, Boston, MA 
    M.S.    Environmental Sciences, Peking University, P.R. China
    B.S.     Atmospheric Physics, Peking University, P.R. China   

Honors and Awards

    Muir Institute Fellow (2018 - 2023) 
    NASA New Investigator Program in Earth Science Award (2008)
    The 2nd International Young Scientists’ Conference award on Global Change

Peer-reviewed Publications

    For a more complete list, please check here 

 Invited Speaker (Selected)

• Wildland Fire, Ecosystem Dynamics, and Climate Change: From Boreal Forest to Southern California’s Shrubland, Tod Spieker Colloqium, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA (2013)
• Global fire emissions and fire effects on biophysical properties and the associated radiative forcing, NASA MODIS/VIIRS Science Team Meeting, Washington DC (2010)
• Estimation of net radiation and evapotranspiration in California using MODIS satellite observations, AmeriFlux Science Meeting, Boulder, CO (2008)
• Mechanisms controlling California’s carbon budget at an inter-annual timescale, NASA Jet Propulsion Lab, Pasadena, CA (2007)
• Monitoring surface albedo change using MODIS satellite observations, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (2005)
• Monitoring global vegetation using satellite remote sensing, University of California, Los Angeles, CA (2004)

Lead-Author Presentations (Selected)

•  Contrasting behavior and economic impact of wildland fires in California's Mediterranean ecosystems, the 99th Ecological Society of America, Sacramento, CA (2014)
•  Increased wildland fires in southern California during the mid-21st Century, NASA Terrestrial Ecology Science Team Meeting, La Jolla, CA  (2013)
•  Modeling climate-wildfire relationships in Southern California, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2012)
•  The influence of burn severity on post-fire vegetation recovery and albedo change during early succession in North American boreal forests, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2011)
•  Wildland fires in Southern California: a temporal perspective, NASA Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Joint Science Workshop, Washington DC (2011)
•  Fire induced changes in albedo and the associated radiative forcing: a comparison of boreal Canada and Australia tropical savannas, NASA Land Cover and Land Use Change Science Team Meeting, Bethesda, MD (2010)
•  Post-fire albedo change and the associated radiative forcing in northern and southern Canadian boreal forest, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2009)
•  Fire-induced albedo changes and the associated radiative forcing: a comparison of boreal forests and tropical savanna”s, The 2nd International young scientists’s global change conference and ESSP Open Science Conference, Beijing, China (2006)
•  Interannual variability in FPAR and NPP across California’s ecosystems, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2005)
•  Australian continental albedo dynamics, The 12th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference, Fremantle, Western Australia (2004)
•  Improved MODIS burned area mapping by combined use of multi-temporal Terra and Aqua MODIS data - early results, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2003)
•  A synergistic surface BRDF/Albedo retrieval with MODIS and MISR observations: Intercomparison, The AMS 11th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, Madison, WI (2001)        


Professional Societies

American Geophysical Union, Association of American Geographers, Ecology Society of America