ESM 185: Aerial Photo Interpretation and Remote Sensing
Every fall quarter
This course introduces basic concepts of remote sensing and aerial photo interpretation, and provides you with the skills necessary to use remotely sensed imagery to answer questions about the world around us. Students will be able to 1) Articulate electromagnetic spectrum and its usage in remote sensing; 2) Explain the concepts of spatial, spectral, radiometric, and temporal resolution; 3) Describe the basic elements of visual image analysis and interpret aerial photographs; 4) Describe and apply the spectral signatures for remote sensing applications; and 5) Perform fundamental digital image processing tasks, including: georectification, radiometric preprocessing, band ratioing, and image classification.
ESM186: Environmental Remote Sensing
Every winter quarter
This upper division course enables students to interpret and analyze remote sensing imagery. The lectures cover the fundamental principles and concepts for remote sensing, with a focus on spectroscopy, and survey applications of remote sensing in broad fields of ecology, soils, weather, and water quality. The lab tutorials and exercises (6 hours each week) covers key image processing skills via ENVI image processing software.
HYD/GEO 286 (HYD298): Selected Topics in Remote Sensing for Agriculture and Natural Resource Management
Every other spring
This course reviews recent advances and examines various applications of remote sensing techniques in agriculture and natural resource management. It explores advanced concepts and algorithms in information extraction from both satellite and aerial remote sensing observations. Examples cover a wide range of environmental applications of remote sensing. Students do a project or write a research paper. It cultivates critical thinking skills via critiques and discussions, and prepare students for solving real world problems via a mini class project.
ESM098: Directed Group Study for Environmental Science & Management Major
Every fall
This is a seminar course designed to get the junior and senior ESM students familiar with what each of the six ESM tracks are about and what future career paths look like. Talks come from master advisors, track advisors, peer advisors, and speakers from agencies and industry.
GEO298: Environmental Monitoring and Research with Small Unmanned Aerial System (sUAS)
Winter 2017